CSM MACHINERY employs a TIG-welded tube forming and production line with an in-line bright annealing process to fabricate tubes in both bars and coils.
This forming and welding line is available in two versions: the standard one for tubes with the external diameter ranging from 6 to 16 mm and the heavy duty version for tubes with diameter from 10 to 28 mm.
Bright annealed stainless steel production lines are supplied with induction coils and power units up to 150kw, as well as optical pyrometers to check the annealing temperature and cooling tunnels while under inert atmosphere.
The inert atmosphere guarantees a good quality and the control of the weld that allows a homogeneity and “brightness” of the tube after heat treatment.
The machine has a quick set-up thanks to the possibility to recall stored parameters depending on the type of product to produce.
This line gives the possibility to produce also as welded tubes, just stopping the annealing section.
The forming and welding machine for heat-treated tubes is made up of these components:
- Double strip de-reeler with the possibility to hold 2 stainless steel strip coils, to avoid stopping the machine for changing the coil minimizing so downtime.
- Strip joining bench.
- Vertical strip accumulator for seamless production.
- Tube forming and welding unit with cooling water flow regulators and a video camera to display welding arc and profile in welding box.
- Heat treatment unit equipped with induction furnace and cooling tunnel with water circulation.
- Calibration and pre-straightening unit at the exit of cooling section complete with 2 pairs of motorized rolls, 2 pairs of non-motorized rolls, a continuous test of the weld integrity and 1 pair of pre-straightening rollers.
- Straightening unit that corrects any deformations produced during the heat treatment.
- Flying cut-off unit with score and break cutting system, circular saw cutting system or with interchangeable cutting system.
- Off-loading unit for tube in bars that rotates to one side to unload good pieces and to the other side to off-load eventual rejects.
The machine can be equipped with the following optional:
- Pneumatic heavy-duty strip cutter that can be integrated in line for the production of large diameter and thickness tube.
- Inline diameter measuring device (rotating version)
- Deburring unit to deburr the ends of the cut tube by brushing.
- Double recoiler unit complete with two coiling drums that recoil the annealed stainless steel tube in ordered layers.
- External unit to test the weld quality of stainless steel tubes.
- Unit to test tube in coils under water by means of pressure up to 60 bar.
- Tube section testing unit through deformation by hydraulic means.